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Dabei seit: 07.01.2009
Beiträge: 2

cool Is this still under development?! Zitatantwort auf diesen Beitrag erstellen Diesen Beitrag editieren/löschen Diesen Beitrag einem Moderator melden       IP Information Zum Anfang der Seite springen

I was just turned on to this software last night, and I have to say I am hooked! This is really nice, and I can see that I will be using it a lot as soon as I figure a few things out.

I am using this in Reaper 2.54 with NO problems. I have a ton of samples that I would like to use with it, but I don't have a clue how to add them.

I see that there a text files involved, and that I would not need a ton of velocity hits, but I can not figure out HOW to add them.

Also, does the program only support .wav files at this time, or can I use Flac, Ape, or .OGG format also (these are all free codecs, thus keeping with the free theme).

Can anyone steer me in the right direction? In the mean time I will grab the manual and try to glean some information form there.

Again, a really nice piece of software that I am glad to have found! cool

07.01.2009 09:59 Smurf ist offline Email an Smurf senden Beiträge von Smurf suchen Nehmen Sie Smurf in Ihre Freundesliste auf

Dabei seit: 05.01.2009
Beiträge: 4

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As far as i've figured it out...
Just rename one of the default9 to default16 patches at your convenience and save it.
The SDFX library path - where the samples will be found - must be set to the appropriate location for each patch.
(You can do this by selecting "System" as instrument)
And save a preset with a new name in Reaper's FX chain preset line.
I think the txt files provide the so called "internal" sample Slots with their appropriate names.
You can see that you'll get a browser button at the right if you click on the button on the left of a sample slot.



07.01.2009 16:03 MichaJo ist offline Email an MichaJo senden Beiträge von MichaJo suchen Nehmen Sie MichaJo in Ihre Freundesliste auf

Dabei seit: 07.01.2009
Beiträge: 2

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Thanks for all the info, I really appreciate it!:cool:

Original von MichaJo
As far as i've figured it out...
Just rename one of the default9 to default16 patches at your convenience and save it.
The SDFX library path - where the samples will be found - must be set to the appropriate location for each patch.
(You can do this by selecting "System" as instrument)
And save a preset with a new name in Reaper's FX chain preset line.
I think the txt files provide the so called "internal" sample Slots with their appropriate names.
You can see that you'll get a browser button at the right if you click on the button on the left of a sample slot.



cool cool cool Freude

07.01.2009 17:57 Smurf ist offline Email an Smurf senden Beiträge von Smurf suchen Nehmen Sie Smurf in Ihre Freundesliste auf
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