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Thema: The samples

Antworten: 2
Hits: 26010

22.01.2012 00:32 Forum: General Questions

Thank you for your answer. With regard to your kids and lack of time, I understand. I haven't got my own kids yet but I can at least partially imagine how life can change when you become responsible for someone else. Anyway, thanks for the plugin and hope that you will get back to its development some day. Cheers

Thema: The samples

Antworten: 2
Hits: 26010

The samples 26.12.2011 23:36 Forum: General Questions

Hi. I have a question. Are the samples used in SDFX compressed? If I use them through SDXF or another plugin, should I apply a compressor? And last question, did you decide to abandon the development of this great plugin? If so, why? Thanks

Thema: SDFX doesn't load library samples

Antworten: 11
Hits: 52307

30.06.2009 20:10 Forum: General Questions

Alright, many thanks for your answer. Pleased to know that it's not a bug.

Hey, from where you know this ? Are you a spy? Augenzwinkern

Well, yes. I searched through your computer. (joking) Augenzwinkern

I will release SDFX Version 1.4 T O D AY !

geschockt Really great to hear that!! Thanks

Thema: SDFX doesn't load library samples

Antworten: 11
Hits: 52307

29.06.2009 23:07 Forum: General Questions

Hi. There seems to exist a small bug in the software. It's possible to put SDFX Sample Library in a different location than the default one (C:\SDFX). However, if, for example, it is put in D:\plugins\SDFX\ it will work, but only until you try to change a drum set. When we decide to use another drum set, the location in the "System" page of the SDFX plugin will change for the default one (C:\SDFX). And then it stops giving any sound because the wav. samples in the slots are missing. Are there any chances of fixing it? Or, which is a better option, are you going to release a new version of this grreat software one day? Thanks Greg

Thema: SDFX doesn't load library samples

Antworten: 11
Hits: 52307

21.09.2008 14:46 Forum: General Questions

Hi. Your advice helped me. Now it works without the delay. Thank you for this nice piece of software. Greg

Thema: SDFX doesn't load library samples

Antworten: 11
Hits: 52307

SDFX doesn't load library samples 14.09.2008 23:00 Forum: General Questions

Hello. Thanks for your great software. However, when I run sdfx, the places where should be paths to .wav samples are empty. I also downloaded the Update Patch for Drum - Sample- Library and have put it in the SDFX folder. When I chooose one of the sets e.g. Sonor set, the software doesn't load the samples. What else should I do? I run SDFX under Reaper DAW. Thanks for your answer in advance. Greg

I've figured out how to run this plugin under Reaper. But there is another problem which I also spotted being mentioned by users on other forums, namely: when in Reaper we press play and the SDFX is present as a drum source, Reaper will wait about 2 seconds untill it starts playing. This problem exsists for both ASIO4ALL and kxproject ASIO drivers. Is there any possible known reason for this delay verwirrt

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