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Thema: Superdrumfx big problem SHIT

Antworten: 2
Hits: 14355

30.08.2009 10:40 Forum: General Questions


Thank's very much

the problem is not that big anymore, cause i renamed the new superdrum dll file, now when i open the old project, its not know the superdrum anymore so it won't crash. but drums don't work, so still need the old version

Thema: Superdrumfx big problem SHIT

Antworten: 2
Hits: 14355

Superdrumfx big problem SHIT 23.08.2009 13:41 Forum: General Questions

Hi i've got a big problem

first AWESOME PROGRAM! very realistic sounds, i think it's maybe the best drum software

i just updated my superdrumfx, but i got very big problem , should leave the old version too because now so many my music projects don't work anymore unglücklich, i really need to get superdrumfx 1.2 back and hope it works then, and starting to use the new one to new projects and keep the old one too if it's possible

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